Sunday, March 16, 2008

What a weekend!!!

Book club till 12am
Grocery shopping
Washing and vacuuming the car
Dinner at Bob Evans
5 loads of Laundry
10 plants planted in the yard
One call to 911 (I’ll explain later)
Wrote and mailed Lauren’s birthday party invitations
Made Easter cards for the Aunts and uncles
Created some arts and crafts
Made lunch and dinners for the week
Dropped hubby off at the airport
Cleaned the fish tank
Cleaned the litter boxes
Picked up the house
And lord know what else…

That my friends; was my weekend… The most interesting and scary part the call to 911. We were all outside as a family cleaning up the backyard and planting some bulbs the kids were in and out of the house, for the better part of an hour and we had our eyes on them. Finally we were wrapped up and I checked around Lauren was nowhere to be found so I assumed she was in the house, I called for her no Lauren. Dan started to call for her as well as I looked around no Lauren. Can you say PANIC!!!!! I searched all the known hiding places, as well as each room of the house, and we don’t have a small house… Still no Lauren! I started to freak out this was so not like her, Dan didn’t mess around and called 911 to report her missing.

I made Jackson stay with Dan and I jumped in my car and started to look in the neighborhood, nothing I was in tears. I came down the hill to our house saw all my neighbors in front of my house…then I looked up to the front door and there she was !!!! I did my best not to yell at her, I asked her to come to me in the driveway (meanwhile Dan was telling the cop all was fine) I asked her where she was and she said the TOY BOX !!! In my mind I was like WTF!! She was starting to cry because she saw me crying. I asked her why she hid there and she said she was hiding from her brother. I asked if she had heard us calling for her and she said yes, when I asked why she didn’t respond she said she didn’t know why. I walked right past that toy box in the basement twice and I saw the stuff on the floor around it but I assumed that Dan had made the mess while looking for Lauren. Talk about having a freaking heart attack! Thanks goodness she was safe and sound. A few hours later I had a talk with her about hiding and how it is not a good thing to do, I think she got it. A few hours after the drama one of my neighbors called and asked if she was still alive Barely I said with a chuckle!

So on to my crafting, I created some cute (I think) picture frames as well as a Kleenex box holder check ‘em out! Pretty cool huh? My kids love them and they are easy to make and can be done in all sorts of fun colors.

So hubby is on his way, I am officially on my own, this is the first time I have had to take the kids to 2 different schools since I am the one who travels most of the time. By the end of the week I am sure I will be one big tired mess! Hope everyone has a great week!

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