Thursday, March 27, 2008

Read the ............

So as I have bloged before my son is not easy to put to bed although he has gotten better. I have a routine down with him that I do not deviate from eat dinner, bath, brush teeth, 1 TV show, read one book in his sisters room (he loves to sit next to her on her bed) , then one book in his room, lights off and mom lays there for a few minutes for some mom son time. Not to complicated right?

So last night, I do all of this but as I go to leave my son asks for one more book, he turns on the light and reaches for his children's bible. I say "no, you have had your story we can read that tomorrow before we go to bed." Then I start to think I bet God is wagging his finger at me for that, so I say OK one story then it is off to bed. I read the story tuck him in and lay there for a few minutes then give hugs and kisses and say good night.

Now we have had many talks with Jackson about staying in his room once mommy or daddy says good night, he is well aware that bathroom issues, or not feeling well should be the only reason he gets out of his bed. So 10 minutes after I put him down I hear him on the steps, he comes into the family room with his children's bible in tow. Now I know it is great my son loves this book but I can not keep giving in I need to stay strong~~ Sorry God!

I say "no" and send him up to his room, 15 minutes goes by and I think ok he is on his way to slumber land, then all of a sudden I hear banging, loud loud banging, I head up stairs and I can hear Jackson screaming/crying, but I can't quite make it out, I stand there for a minute and finally figure out what he is saying

"Read the Bible Mommy!"
"Read the Bible Mommy!"
"Read the Bible Mommy!"

I couldn't help but laugh and if I could have I would have gotten the video camera to record the event, nothing like having your son call you out for not reading the bible! And yes he did get another story!

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