Friday, March 7, 2008

I am missing blogs!!!!

OK as I have said in previous posts I am addicted to blogging that is when my kids aren't acting like children from some other planet, work isn't kicking my butt, and my husband isn't chasing me around the bedroom. TMI..(to much information) I know but hey it takes time away from my blogging.
BTW thanks for the love last night and today !!! I really needed it and today is shaping up much better.

I have experienced a wrinkle in my blogging experience, everyday my Blogarithm account sends me emails letting me know that all of your blogs have updated. This feed is acting up and I feel like I am starting to miss out on some cool posts.
So I have a Friday poll. What reader do you use and why? I need to get hooked up with a better system as it seems I have outgrown my original one. Thanks and have a great weekend, I will be spring clothes shopping with my mom and my daughter a little girls days out on Saturday!

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