Friday, March 14, 2008

Thank you and follow ups

Ok first I want to say thank you to all of you for your encouraging words, you sure do know how to make a girl feel special!

So today's post will be a follow up to some of my older posts! Yesterday's company dinner was great, I had the CEO come up to me personally and hold a good 20 min conversation with me about new initiatives of which I will be involved, very exciting!!

I continue to plug along on my weight loss journey I am proud to say that my 12 sized clothes are loose on me, most of my pants require a belt, I am down 13lb since Jan 1st, and I truly feel like I have made working out and eating healthy a part of my life. Now if I could just figure out a way to embrace my 5:00am alarm 4 days a week I would be all set.

In my post about Lauren and her Kindergarten progress report, I am happy to say that we met with the teacher and we are all on the same page and I think Lauren is doing better then ever. She comes home excited to tell me about the days events, her favorite phrase now is "did you know?"

I am meeting with the flaky friend tonight for our book club the rest of us aren't sure if she will even be home which is not good since she is hosting, I of course set up a contingency plan complete with a couple bottles of wine to be served at my house if needed. Discussing the book will be optional since the straw poll I took pretty much tells me everyone hated it!

Finally today is the last day for my Giveaway all entries must be in by midnight so hurry and enter!!!

Have a great weekend and if you don't see me for a while you know why...I will be in single parent mode all next week.

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