Friday, March 21, 2008

And the bad luck continues.....

First the big man came home last night and we were all happy to see him, I was so happy that I feel asleep at 8pm and didn't wake up till 7:30 this morning, Pretty sad huh, I was so tired it was a long week.

So this morning we are heading out the door for school and work (mighty late I might add) when my husband goes to start his car .... It is dead! yes car number 2 this week that has stopped working......what are he chances?? So we all pile into the one remaining car as I go to pull out of the drive way I push the button for the garage door I see it going down then as I pull away out of the corner of my eye I see it go back up...WTF is going on do I have total bad karma or what?

I get Dan and the kids off on their days (my company give us good Friday off), I came home to call AAA for the 2nd time this week to pick up a car then I do some stuff around the house till they arrive. After they take the car I head to the grocery store then a few other errands and back tot eh house for my work out that I missed this am. It is now 3:30 and I need to go get the kids and get ready for the poker game that is to be played at my house with all the boys.

I prepared meatballs with rolls 7 layer dip and cheated a bought pizza, the game is going on now as I type and I am sorry to o say I think it may be the last here for a while as they are entirely too loud and my son has been out of his room 6 tines wanted to see daddy and his friends. Oh and did I mention that they are playing right under our bedroom so I am not sure when I will get to sleep tonight!

He owes me big time!!!!! Well, hopefully my bad karma will take a turn for the better next week, have a Happy Easter everyone and I will be in touch Monday!

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