Monday, March 24, 2008

To paint or not to paint!

When we first moved into our house 5 + years ago I was very excited about decorating and had visions of what a model home would look like and the desire to do some daring stuff with color. I think this comes from an upbringing in apartments where we weren't allowed to paint the walls so everything was always white. So I set out room by room to create color and warmth in my home. I have received many complements and I have been asked if I had an designer ...nope just little ole me! However the time has come to make a change I have grown tired of my kitchen and I am in need of a kitchen face lift albeit on the cheap's. Hubby is not going to go for new cabinets (I hate the light color but I have learned to live with it) So here is my kitchen at the time I thought the color was really cool and hip and maybe it still is and I have just become un cool. So I am thinking of a smokey gray blue, I think it would look nice with the light wood and the dark counters and will also blen with the green I have in the sun room but I am not completely sold on it so I am taking suggestions! Comment away!

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