Wednesday, March 26, 2008

OK it is Giveaway Time!!!

I love this Pot! Many a great pasta meal has been made in my own pot. This NEW pot is left over from my husbands Embay days! Yes he was a huge Ebayer before it was really cool. He remembers the days that Overstock was run out of a little warehouse and he knew all of the folks there by first name, my how things change. If you read my post about cleaning out the utility room you will see where I found this gem, who knew good stuff was buried in that mess!

Anyway here is what you have to do to enter leave a comment about this blog, Yup that's it! If you would like to be entered twice blog about this giveaway on your blog and I will put your name in the fish bowl twice.

The contest will run until April 4th so hurry up and enter!!!!

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