Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pop Pop's Birthday!!!!

My father in law (FIL) turn 70 yesterday! He is in sunny FL with a few other couples celebrating. Sure beats upstate NY this time of year. We called him to let the kids wish him a happy birthday which was so cute, they did there best to get the whole way through Happy birthday on the phone. After 70 years on this earth Pop Pop is a bit hard to buy for. He doesn't want "stuff" you know what I am talking about the kind of stuff that sits and collects dust. Plus my husband and I aren't really into joint gifts so that rules out big ticket items with the other siblings, we try our best to come up with unique yet thoughtful presents for our family members.

In my blogging travels I came across Rick Green's Blog, Rick has an incredible gift, he is an artist and a damn good one I might add. Go check out his blog ! So as I was looking at Rick's blog for the first time I thought wow what a cool gift idea. I contacted Rick right before Christmas but he was pretty swamped so I thought you know what I will ask Rick to create a drawing for Pop Pops 70th birthday. I contacted Rick about a month ago and while time was tight he was able to honor my request. I think he did a great Job, don't you?

There are 6 grand kids in the family (each sibling has 2) so I thought it would be a cute idea to have them all in the drawing with him and the theme would be something to do with Pop Pops former life as a NY state trooper and investigator. Rick came up with some great ideas and we settled on Pop Pops Posse.

My FIL has not seen his present yet, I didn't want to send it while they were out of town, I can't wait to send it to him, better yet I can't wait to see his face when he opens it. I have prepared Nana that she is to have a camera when he opens it.

So thanks Rick I know I will be back! To all my bloggy friends go check out his work I think you will be very impressed.

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