Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday Hodge Podge

I am thinking of making this a regular post but I am not sure, so bare with me as I experiment.

This week has flown by, it was great to have Daddyo home for the whole week, and I realize how much the kids and I miss him when he is gone. So welcome back to the circus honey, it's just not the same without you here.

Wednesday Lauren was a bit under the weather; she had a fever of 103 and stayed home with me. Some how I think she knew that I needed a mental health day, because the next morning she was fine not a fever to be had.
Several weeks ago I blogged about my blogarithm issues, many of you suggested google reader, some of you to my surprise were still going to each and every blog daily from your web favorites list. Well I have now jumped on the Google Reader bandwagon! I love love love it!!!! It allows me to read blogs easily and I now have time to find more blogging buddies because it so streamlined. I have also added an RSS reader button on my side bar so you will never again miss another Daily Grind post. Go on subscribe you know you want to!

Last night I baked cupcakes for Lauren's class birthday party which is today (her birthday is Sunday more to come on that) She helped by icing the cupcakes and putting the sprinkles on. Funny thing though she loves to help out when it comes to baking but she won't eat a thing! That's right my soon to be 6 year old will not touch anything that has sugar in it no pies, no cakes no cookies, no candy, nothing!!!! Her idea of a dessert is fruit. Don’t get me wrong I think it is great that I don’t have to tell her to put down the sugar but I am not sure where she gets this from because I do have a sweet tooth as does her daddy and her brother. She will actually go to birthday parties and not have a piece of cake including her own! So today as all her friends gobble up their cupcakes she will sit and smile, happy that they are enjoying her handy work and eat her fresh strawberries and drink her juice box!

On the Birthday topic we are having a pool party for her at a local indoor pool she only wanted to invite girls; she invited a total of 6, 5 of which are coming. This kid sure knows how to make it easy on me. I will be sure to post birthday pictures Monday. Also be on the look out for my birthday post to Lauren on Sunday!

Finally, if you haven't already leave a comment for the Pasta Pot Giveaway. This Pot is "Hot" as OhMommy said! So tell your friends and make this giveaway interesting! Have a great weekend I will be back sometime Sunday!

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