Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Day 3 and still going strong!

So I am on day 3 of no hubby and I seem to be holding up. Luckily I have a great sitter that is going to help me out today and tomorrow by picking the kids up at their schools and taking care of them till I get home from my meetings. Whew!

I found out this morning that my meeting tonight has been pushed back an hour so I thought at first I would go home and see the kiddos but then the selfish side of me spoke up and said "don't do that, you have wanted to go shoe shopping for a while and you know you can't do it with kids so take an hour for yourself" Self I thought you are a pretty cool gal who knows just what I need!

So when I am done here are the office at 4 pm I am headed to Starbucks for a latte then to the DSW show warehouse and I am going to indulge myself with some shoes! OhMommy would be proud! I will be sure to let you know what if anything I find!

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