Monday, March 24, 2008

2 days seems like a long time ......but it isn't

On the weekends I tend not to blog or read blogs because I want give that time to my family, that being said when I log on Monday morning it feels as though I have been missing for much longer then 2 days, inevitably I have over 100 blog postings to read. So while I complain silently that the weekends are 2 short I also complain silently that they are to long when it comes to my blog time. I can't win!!!!

Hopefully everyone had a lovely Easter, we spent it trying to get back on track after a long week. For Easter dinner I made lamb along with green beans and potatoes. I did both in the crock pot, I must pat myself on the back and say that it was a wonderful meal. I decided on Lamb after reading Stephanie's blog A year of crockpotting she gave me the courage to try to cook lamb again after one to many dry lamb meals and it was excellent, since i have 2 crock pots I thought i would also do my green beans too, again yummy! Go check our her block you won't be disappointed there is something there for everyone.
This weekend I tackled my fish tank, this tank was given to us by our dear neighbors and I love it as do the kids but I am the one stuck cleaning it (like I don't have enough to do) so Saturday I cleaned the tank then Sunday (yes Sunday! can you believe that Petsmart was open on Easter?) I got a couple of new friends for the tank. Pretty neat huh??
Over the weekend we were also battling allergies and momma may have strep throat. I woke up this morning at 3:30 and my throat was on fire, but I don't have any other symptoms so I am in a wait and see pattern.

Well here is to a good week, keep your eyes open for my second giveaway it is coming soon!

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