Monday, March 10, 2008

Weekend wrap up and Contest reminder

Well the weekend blew by in it's normal fashion, I really think we the American people need to get on the 3 day weekend, I will save that topic for another day.

So Saturday was shopping day, my daughter has become picky when it comes to her clothes, yes she is only 5 (soon to be 6 on 3/30) however it is a manageable picky. Her main bone with me pertains to the dresses that I and her grandmother buy for her. She will refuse to wear a something if she doesn't like it and frankly I like to pick my battles and fighting over a dress at 6:30am is not a battle I want. So I suggested to my mom that we would turn our shopping into a girls day complete with lunch and a little spoiling by Gran. This event, if you will still allows me control over the clothes (which she never complains about except for the dresses), but it allows her to feel like she has a say.

So off we went, she had a blast, she tired on clothes told us what she liked and didn't like and modeled like the princess she is. She even allowed mommy to get some shopping done for brother, but it was mostly all about her. I couldn't help but take a picture of all the clothes once I got them home and all laid out. Keep in mind this was for 2 kids! The prices were right too, The Childrens Place offers 20% off during the child's birthday month as a birthday present. But you must register online before hand. not a bad haul huh?

After shopping we came home in time to get ready for dinner with friends, we were a half an hour from leaving when Lauren comes racing into the family room crying and all I could see was blood. She had been playing with a wobbly tooth and it had started to bleed. The blood is what freaked her out but she kept playing with that tooth and right before we walked out the door we had tooth #5 fro the tooth fairy. This kid needs to slow down because soon she will be gumming her food.

Sunday was a bit of a blur, we had neighbors over unexpectantly who had guests visiting them as well, so we had Bloody Marys about 1pm and before we knew it 4 hours had past and it was time to start dinner we pulled our resousrces togheter and pulled off a pretty good meal, but I didn't get a thing done all day Sunday between the time change and the unexpected vistors, guess I need to get my butt in gear tonight!

Reminder there are 5 more days to enter my blog design Giveaway contest. You too can have a one of a kind original by Revka of RS Designs. Remeber you must leave a comment at the Giveawaypost and post the Giveaway link on your blog to be entered.

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