Sunday, March 30, 2008

6 years ago today

Here we are 6 years ago today just minutes after you were born!
6 years ago today you changed my life and I am forever grateful, who knew that caring for you and watching you grow would be such an incredible journey. Lauren when I met Daddy I thought my life was complete but then we were blessed to find out we were expecting a child and that child was you; and you my dear completed me that day, as did your brother 2 1/2 years later. You have helped me to understand the true meaning of love and what being a parent is all about. You have allowed me to form a much better relationship with my own mother because now I "understand" as one day you will understand.

Your birth was nothing short of amazing, your Daddy and I decided to move up your entry into the world by a week because we were both very afraid that because of Daddy's job he may not be there to welcome you into the world. I remember leaving the house thinking wow.... when I come back I will have a baby! Labor was 7 hours and really a piece of cake. , Daddy kept asking what was taking so long since he had no clue about the labor process. As you will learn Daddy doesn't do well with hospital stuff so on the 1st night of Lamaze class your Dad was so uncomfortable he asked me "are we going to have a Dr. there when you give birth" of course I say "Well then why do we have to be here?" See they kept talking about what could go wrong that really scared Daddy, we left Lamaze class that night never to come back. Do to his lack of Lamaze training he felt the "process was taking long time" so he stepped out several times for a quick bite to eat in the hospital cafeteria giving me the full report of what he had just eaten when he got back. Feeling like I was going to be there forever, at one point I joked with the nurses and my Doctor that you must be born by 6pm because the Maryland Terps Basketball team was in the final 4 and they were to play at 6pm. Thankfully you honored my request, but I would have been ok if you hadn't :)

When Dad and I took you home for the first time we were both so nervous, we didn't have a clue about the car seat and Daddy drove like he had an egg on the hood of the car that he was afraid to break the whole way home. I remember him saying that people were driving crazy that day when it reality it was him. I on the other hand just wanted to get home and take a shower so I could snuggle with you in bed.

You have given me so much in 6 short years and I look forward to a lifetime of memories to come.

Happy 6th Birthday my sweet girl!

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