Friday, February 1, 2008

Welcome back..... and surprises galore!

Ok I am back and boy does it feel good to be home! I have a feeling this is going to be a long post because I have a lot of ground to cover so bare with me :)

I arrived home on Wednesday night, the kids were super excited to see me and I had lots of hugs and kisses from them and hubby too! Thankfully Dan was starting to get over his illness and the kids remained healthy during my absence thank goodness for small miracles.

I decided that I would work from home on Thursday so I could drop the kids off and pick them up. So I get up like any other regular work day so I can get my workout in before the tribe gets up. I go down to my workout room and what do I see!!! A brand new treadmill!!!! Talk about shocking I thought for a minute I was in the wrong house, I went bolting up the stairs and woke my husband up asking what that new treadmill was doing there?? He said he had it delivered while I was gone because he knew I wanted to vary my workouts. We have an elliptical machine that I use religiously already. Plus he said that this way we could both do a cardio workout at the same time. I think he has seen the results I have gotten (10lbs total since Jan 1st) and he doesn’t want to be shown up. So the past 2 days I have run 2 miles on it and I LOVE it. Again I have the best hubby in the world. However I did question him at length as to how much it was because I know what we paid for that elliptical 4 years ago. He said he got a great deal at Costco and it was under $1000, .and as you can see it is pretty big and pretty much gym quality. VERY COOL if you ask me!

Speaking of Costco I after I picked up my daughter from school yesterday I went there to pick a few things that I knew we needed. My daughter loves going to Costco first because you can eat your way through there and second because she loves their pizza. So as we checked out she asks me if we can sit down and eat a slice, I’m thinking man it is 2 hours till dinner time, but what the heck! So I get her a slice and if you have been there you know they aren’t small slices. Well she devoured it, and I have the picture to prove it. She is a sloppy mess but she was in heaven!

Lastly, I received a very un expected surprise this morning when I logged on to my Blogger I had a message from Melody at Pennies in my pocket I won a Custom Blog Design by RS Designs. Go check their designs they are very cool. Also be on the lookout for my new Blog design!

Well I think that about covers it! Super Bowl Sunday this weekend I can’t wait I love Super bowl munchies, the commercials oh yeah and the game :)

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