Friday, February 8, 2008

Pedicures…. there not just for women anymore!

I am realizing that I talk a lot about my husband on this blog and today is no different. My husband of almost 10 years is a military man rough and tough to the core and so are his feet! I have shared a bed with this man for years and the thought of his feet touching me I must say freaks me out. He has the roughest driest feet I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. So I joke with him when I go to get my nails and feet done that he should come with me, what we would do with the children I have no clue, but it sounds good. So after years of nagging and begging I finally got him to go to my gal and get his feet done. That was 2 weeks ago she nearly had to use a blow torch to try and blast off all that dry skin, but she did it with a smile and my big burly husband sat there smiled and tried to blend in, as much as you can in a shop FULL of women. After she was done she said she needed to see him back in 2 weeks because she could not solve his problem in just one trip. SHOCKER!!!!

So here we are 2 weeks later.

As I am driving home I get a call from my husband asking if I would like to meet him for a drink at a local place close to home, pleasant surprise since it has been a long time since we did anything like that resembled a date. So it is 4:30 and I am on my way home (I have an hour dry from work) and we have the sitter till 6. I say "sure but I will be another 45 minutes so it will have to be quick." He then announces "that's fine I will go get a pedicure and you can call me when you get closer." OK that works I think. So the drive turned out to not be as heinous as it normally is and I made it in record time 25 minutes... ok maybe I was going a little faster because the thought of having 30 minutes or more with my husband in a adult setting was very exciting! Since I am early I decide I will go see Dan in all his glory getting his feet done. Well when I walked in I burst out laughing. I guess I never really let myself form a visual of this event. So there he was kicked back in his suit and tie (jacket off) getting the royal treatment. I quickly fumbled in my purse for my cell phone with the camera I never use because this was too good to pass up. So there he is ...... and honestly his feet are looking much better and I am not nearly as grossed out as I used to be.

** sorry the pictures aren’t so great remember they came from my cell phone

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