Monday, February 18, 2008

Skiing anyone???

The ski weekend was a huge success! My husband and I have not been skiing in 8 years. On that trip 8 years ago I tore my ACL and ended up have surgery to repair it with months of intensive physical therapy, so needless to say I was a bit apprehensive about getting back on skis, although I never let anyone know because I have this tough girl thing about me.

Friday we arrived a little after 3 hours in the car, clearly my kids were exhausted from the week because they both nearly slept the entire 3 hour trip!! After their big nap they were ready for action at 5pm unfortunately us adults were beat after a long work week and the 3 hour drive. So we made a little dinner had a few drinks and relaxed while the kids ran around. Finally we were able to get everyone to bed.

Bright and early Saturday morning my kids were ready to go to ski school. I must say if your kids that have not skied I think ski school or private lessons is the way to go for many reasons but the biggest 2 are 1) that they do much better without you and 2) by being in ski school all day it gives you some time to go on the slopes or just hang out and relax.

Ski school was wonderful! The kids are broken down by age and by level then they go out with an instructor for 1 1/2 hours in the morning come back in for lunch then back out again in the afternoon for another 1 1/2 session, by the end of the day they are beat. As you can see my little ones loved it and I think they look like little snow bunnies if I do say so myself.

Now I was ready to concur my fear! We were off to the ski rental place I was smart and got the Hi pro skis which tend to be a bit better then the regular rentals that get pretty beat up. My husband and I headed up the first lift I was terrified I would fall flat on my face getting off the chair but no... I was successful. I went down the first green I could find and soon I was digging the wind through my hair. I was back! I skied 9-4 both Saturday and Sunday, I took 1 or 2 good falls and I have the bruises to prove it but it was all worth it. Better still is that I fit into my ski pants from 8 years ago, you know 2 kids ago!!! :) I plan to send a note to my orthopedic surgeon because for years he was on me to go skiing again, I think he knew I was scared. So that was my weekend!

I have been informed that my new blog layout will be up and running tomorrow! Be sure to cone back and check it out!

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