Thursday, February 7, 2008

Blogging and what it has taught me

Ok it is official I am addicted to blogging! Ok so maybe not the writing my blog part but certainly the reading of others blogs part! I think it is so cool to know someone who you have never met can understand exactly where you are coming from when you blog about trying to get your kids to bed at the end of a long day, or the trials and tribulations of potty training. Mommyhood truly bonds you like no other profession or organization that I know. I would never walk up to one of my coworkers and start rambling about poop or trying to get my kids to eat vegetables as a conversation starter.... OK so that isn't entirely true but swear I only talk about that stuff with people I really do know well at work.

Let me share with you the wisdom I have recieved in the few short months I have had the privilege to enter the blogging world. First and most important April at Floriakidz read one of my very first posts which looking back was a bit dark but that was where I was at; at that time. She emailed me and encouraged me; gave me some great advice and I have to say it is because of her that my life has been on the up swing since mid Nov. Thanks April! Oh and my family thanks you also.

I have also had the pleasure of comforting a mother I didn't know who had lost a child to terminal illness. This has made me that much more appreciative of my children's good health. I have read a woman's daily chronicle of her battle with Cancer, which has allowed me to see a side of the disease I never knew. Most of all I have learned to laugh about the struggles and joys of parenting and what a gift it is to be a mom. Sometimes in the society we live in today which is on the go and constantly moving, you forget that truly the simple things are what make you happy. Blogging in the last few months has reminded me of that.

I still have some learning to do in this blogging world, like Meme's, blog awards and that damn HTML code that always trips me up.

So ladies…. and men, thanks for accepting me and teaching me about this blogging world! I look forward to many many more conversations with you all!

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