Sunday, February 10, 2008

I was finally Meme tagged, I am so excited!!!!

4 Things Meme I was tagged by Kristi to do this Meme, I am excited becaue this is my first one!

4 Jobs I've Had
Customer Service Director at a Car Dealership
Printing Customer Service Rep
Paper girl
Diector of Operations, for an Insurance company

4 Places I've Lived:
Alexandria VA
Williamsport PA
Springfield , VA

4 movies I've watched over and over:
Top Gun
Steel Magnolias
Pretty Woman
Marry Poppins

4 Shows I watch:
Desperate Housewives
Dancing with the stars
Biggest Loser
The View (I tivo it)

4 Places I've Been:
Malaga Spain
Panama City Panama
Cancun Mexico
San Diego, CA

4 People Who Email Me regularly:
Abby (our old Au pair)
Magin (my best friend)
My Mom
My sister in law

4 Favorite Things To Eat:
Mexican food
Italian Food
Apple Pie warm with Ice Cream of course

4 Places I'd Rather Be:
In bed
A beach anywhere as long as there is sun
At the spa nothing beat a good Massage
In front of the TV cathcing up on my shows

4 Things I look forward to this year:
Maybe a new addition to the family??
Trip to the beach
Hopefully getting a promotion

4 people to tag:
I'd love to learn more about:
Have Fun.

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