Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Giveaway!!!!! Spice up your blog

In my short blogging life (5 months) I have been very lucky! Yes LUCKY! I stumbled onto a give away by Jan Parrish for the book Teaching Your Child About Sex by Grace Ketterman, MD. The book and the concept of giving away things on our blog struck me. So I entered the drawing thinking that would be the end, but I continued to ponder the idea of giving things away on your blog. Hmm interesting I thought! Then out of the blue….. I won the book from Jan and I have been hooked on blogging and blog giveaways ever since.

My next blog give away venture and the inspiration for my current give away was at Pennies in my Pocket! She was giving away a blog makeover worth $60. As you can see from my blog I won! Pretty cool design huh?

Finally Steph at MaNiC MoMMy had a wonderful give away that not only included a prize but also the joy of knowing you made a difference. I donated a pint of blood and won a $10 gift card to Target! So based on my math that is about a $100 worth of stuff! Not to shabby if you ask me!

So now it is my turn!

Are you ready??? I am paying it forward so to speak and I have enlisted the help of Revka of RS Designs! Up for grabs is $60 worth of services to spice up your blog! Here is what you have to do. Go Check out Revka’s portfolio

● Leave a comment on this post, tell me what you like about my new blog, and why
you read it, even if you are a first time reader and you are here only for the prize!
● Post a link to this post on your blog.
Email me letting me know you have posted the link on your blog.

Entries will be accepted until Friday , March 14, 2008 11:59pm PST.A winner will be randomly selected by one of my 2 lovely children and announced Monday March 17, 2008, as well as multiple alternates. The winner and alternates will be contacted via email so remember to email me your information. The winner will have until Wednesday, March 20, 2008 11:59pm PST to claim the prize by emailing me or responding to the winner announcement post. If the winner does not respond by the given date, the first alternate to email his/her info will receive the prize. Good luck!

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