Thursday, February 28, 2008

Blog site counters and visitors

So I have a site counter if you will on my blog a pretty cool tool that allows me to see when, where and how I am getting traffic to my little blog. So for example if you type in the words dump cake in google my URL should come up. Itchy clothes what you are looking for? I will come up. My full name...guess what up pops my blog!!! Click on the URL listed in your google search and bam you are at my simple little blog page. So that being said I fully expect the occasionally person who drops by and then suddenly realizes that this is not at all where they want to be, hopefully for the 5 seconds it to them to figure that our they had fun viewing my humble page.

However I have found there is a whole different type of person or persons that come to your page everyday to read what you have to say but never leave a comment. Were it not for the site counter gizmo I would never know if they had been here or not.

So my plea is this please leave a comment good bad or indifferent if you stop by and take the time to read the blog especially if you do it on a regular basis. Show bloggers out there some love! I think to some extent we are all driven to write more on our blogs if we feel people are really reading them and not just passing by.

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