Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl Sunday

OK so it is Super Bowl Sunday !!! I love sports, I played sport in high school and college I especially love football, I am a guys dream (sports wise) or so I have been told by my husband. So first you should know of my love and devotion to the Washington Redskins, I have grown up in the DC area and I remember the good old days of play off games and super bowl trophy's.

So for those of you who know a little something about football you know that the Giant's are second our list of teams we don't like in our division Dallas is #1. So with that I will go on record this time and this time only that I am routing for the GIANT'S, my FIL would be proud!

For those of you that are PAT's fans please don't hold my choice against me, I just can't get behind the PAT's they have accomplished a lot this season but I just get the sense they think they have it in the bag a little bit of arrogance if you will. All that said my hat still is off to them!


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