Monday, February 4, 2008

Miracles never cease to amaze me!

Miracle #1

Well, I must say while I really wanted the Giants to win the Super Bowl when I made my post yesterday, I don't think I really believed that they would The Patriots had been so dominant all season. It was a great game I hate when the super bowl ends up being a total blow out what is the fun in that.

Miracle #2
My husband actually cleaned out our Utility room on Sunday morning. Now I know have been singing my husbands praises but I must tell you some of his downfalls, he is human and a man after all. My husband is not a neat person and I am total neat freak. Just think of Monica on Friends I am not quite that bad but I understood her excitement when something was clean and tidy. We live in a nice sized house and 5 years ago when we moved in if you would have told me that I would have it filled, I would have said you are crazy. No I am the crazy one because it is full!!! The Utility room is the place we put all the stuff that we don't know where else to put. Here are some examples, tools, deep freezer, the Chrsitmas decorations, the Halloween decorations, the big boxes of stuff we buy from Costco, crap that my husband has kept for 20 years .. I think you get the picture. Well here our utility room before the big clean of 2008 not bad but certainly not the picture of neatness.

And here is the after..... We have I kid you not almost a 1/3 of the 3 car garage now full of stuff to be hauled away this Wednesday by the trash guys. I was giddy with excitement!

I know that the pictures don't show the same before and after but you get the idea. I am not totally sure what sparked his desire to clean, my guess he was looking for something and he figured why no get rid of stuff since he had it all torn apart, plus he knew I would be furious if he had left it all torn up. Regardless I am happy ..... I love miracles!

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