Monday, February 25, 2008

Pay it Forward

I am participating in Pay It Forward, hosted by Katie at Philigry but I found out about this wonderful idea from i'm Az blog and I am excited to join in. Sometime in the next 365 days, she will be sending me something handmade. So to hold up my end of the bargain, I must do the same for the first three people who comment on this post, telling me they want to participate. The rules? You will get something handmade from me, maybe not anytime soon, but sometime within the next 365 days. If you decide to participate, you must do the same on your blog, and make something for the first three people who comment to your Pay It Forward post. So cool, right? So if you want to join in, comment to this post!! Please dont' feel you need to be Crafty Cathy to join in, that is part of the fun!

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