Monday, January 28, 2008

I have huge mommy guilt!!!

So I left last night for a conference in FL (I live IN VA) I left detailed instructions for my husband who honestly is not a details man...isn't that true for most men??? Anyway I get a text message this morning that reads "I'm sick" Sick?? as in flu sick, or sick and tired of the kids sick...a little more detail is needed.

I call him as soon as I can break free from my conference he answers the phone in the best darth vader voice I have heard since it was up on the big screen. Dan? I ask "Yes" he says. "What happened to you from last night to today?" I say "I'm sick and I stayed home today" he says. Now I am thinking great no one is on schedule and worse yet did he even take the kids to school? He did thank goodness!

Yet as I sat down and I thought "oh my poor kids" I just know that he will not be able to be as attentive to their needs since he is sick and without the attention they will just become more needy and whiny not fun to deal with as a parent when you are not feeling well and lets not dismiss the fact that they may also get whatever it is that Dan has!!!!! Oh the drama!!!

Then as I listened to the most boring speaker ever ... seriously all I could hear was the sound of someone from the peanuts cartoon "whan whan whan" anyway my mind started to drift off to why am I here?? why am I working when I could be home taking care of my family? Sure I need to work to maintain our current lifestyle but if we downsized things I could stay at home and totally be there for my kids.

I called my husband back at the end of the day and asked if he wanted me to come home. "No, I want you to stay there and enjoy yourself you deserve it, you basically work 2 jobs with work and us and you deserve some alone time, we will be fine" Is that a great husband or what??? I don't know that I tell him often enough how much I love him. He has supported me and pushed me and I am who I am today career wise and as a Mom because of his support.

Hopefully when I return on Wednesday night all will be OK and I know I will be greeted with "Mommy your home!" accompanied by lots of hugs and kisses. Thanks honey for supporting me and being the best Dad and Husband a family could have, but please make sure the kids take a bath and eat dinner every night! :)

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