Friday, January 11, 2008

To have 3 or not to have 3

So recently I have been bitten by the baby bug! My kids are 5 and 3 and they are almost at that stage where they are, well you know..... tolerable. Don't get me wrong I love my kids they are what I live for. I also love babies and the idea of a big family (I was an only child) and I don't know why but I have this huge pang to have one more. In brief discussions with my husband who is 6 years my senior, he rolls his eyes and says things such as "so much for retiring at 55" and "I found nothing fun about the kids when they were babies" yet he LOVES his kids and is truly the best Dad I know. However, I think some men are not cut out for babyhood.

So last night during one of our many discussion on babies I say for the 100th time what do you think and you know what he says?? "Sure but if we have one we might as well have 2 so they will be close in age and have each other to play with" I sat there in happy/shock, happy because I got him to acquiesce but shocked because I think he just called my bluff, I was not looking for 2 just one!

Needless to say I didn't have a witty response and I have not brought it up since but man it is so out there like the 800 pound elephant in the room. I guess only time will tell!

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