Thursday, January 3, 2008

It's been a long time!!!!

So here it is 2008 and I am ready to make a new start.. in more ways then one. I have finally gotten to a place where I think I am happy mentally so now it is time to work on the physical me. I have vowed to work out and eat healthy in 2008 My goal is to lose 20lbs. Now some may say oh you don't look like you need to lose 20lb and honestly I don't "look it" but I feel it. So I have started my journey and I will write about it here from time to time so forgive me if I whine :)

Thus far 2008 has been great, now keep in mind I am only on day 3 of 2008 but I have a good feeling about this year, not to mention that there is a lot that is going to happen this year. I will be traveling more for work, and hopefully getting a promotion, Dan my wonderful husband will retire from the Army after 20 years, Dan's dad will turn 70! And I am sure there will be a host of other highs and lows in 2008.

I wish you and yours all the best and look forward to comments in 2008.

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