Friday, January 4, 2008

Enough Already!

OK I am sorry to rant but I am so SICK of Britney Spears!!!! Why why why does the media cover her like they do? It is one thing to have paparazzi covering her, I don't agree with it but I get it that is how mags like People and Us weekly get their pictures. But to actually talk about her like she is breaking news during my morning commute this morning.... COME ON. She and her sister have both proven to be train wrecks and while I have been one to watch the occasional train wreck because I am unable to turn away.. Enough already with the Spears girls. Maybe if you stop fueling them they can get on with their lives it least that is my hope because God knows have of the things these girls do are strictly because they want attention. So my new mantra for 2008 Enough with Britney!!!!!

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