Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Where did the pounds go?

Well I am on day 15 of my New Years resolution to eat better and get in shape! I am happy to report that I am already down 8lbs!!!!!! Woo Hoo for me! It has been rather easy and luckily I have the support of my family, although last night I was put to the true test. We went out to eat at our favorite Italian restaurant and I while I wanted to get the biggest most massive bowl of pasta I could, I refrained and only had the Caesar salad some calamari and a glass of wine, not to bad for a person who is totally addicted to pasta and lots of it.

My workouts have been 30 mins of cardio, sit ups, weights and the dreaded push ups. I get this done in the morning before the tribe gets up, and surprisingly I feel I have more energy even though I am up at 5am!

So now only 15lbs more to go and I will have reached my goal, somehow though I don't think these next 15 are going to fly off but I will keep you posted.

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