Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Ah the joys of waking up

So like any other morning I get up this morning at my normal 5 am time to get my daily work out in, after I shower and dress I proceed to head into battle, that battle would be waking my children up so we can get out of the door at a some what reasonable hour. This morning to my surprise when I entered my sons room I found him nearly falling off the bed. Now this child was so soundly asleep and I know that only because he was snoring and with each snore it sounds as though he was sucking all of the oxygen out of the room, I thought how in the world can I not capture this on film. Since I not one to ever capture those cute moments because I never have a camera on hand I ran downstairs to grab it, I come back snap a few pictures only to have my husband walk into my sons room weary eyed asking why the paparazzi is snapping pictures of his son, I say look at him how funny is that! See below.

So as not to ignore the princess she too was photographed this morning after she had already been out of bed twice once to use the potty then to brush her teeth.This photo was taken right before I asked her for the third time to get up she had her normal litany of excuses, I'm tired, I'm cold, I'm sleepy, My leg hurts and my favorite "Don't you have something else to do" I take credit for that since I think she picked that up from me and the numerous times I have asked her to find something else to do when she is tormenting her little brother :)

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