Monday, June 9, 2008

Weekend Fun

Hot Hot Hot! that was my weekend! Ok well there was more to it then that but man the heat was turned up a notch and made even the simplest of tasks nearly unbearable outside.

First, I ran the Susan G Komen race for the cure with 50,000 of my closest friends on Saturday. We arrived a tad bit late so I ended up weaving my way through the walkers to get up to the tail end of the runners pack. I still am not sure what my time was but I am not all that concerned as there were numerous factors that impacted my time. I have only run this race 2 other times and I must say this one was the most emotional for me. I have been very fortunate and have not been directly touched by this disease however I am keenly aware that one day I may. It was so wonderful to see people walking and running hand in hand, hearing the cheerleaders from local high school cheer us on as we ran and the overwhelming warmth that was felt as I crossed the finish line. I will do this race again year after year to support my fellow sisters in their fight and if you have a race near you I urge you to do the same regardless if you run or walk, just participate you won't regret it.The only bad part about the day was that I didn't get to take any pictures, next year I promise.

Once I got home and I was showered and changed from the race we took off for Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg, can I just say amazing!!!!! My kids didn't stop the entire time we were there also there were not a ton of people so getting on rides and playing in the pools was relatively stress free. Nothing like sitting down and having a Mai Thai while watching your kids climb a water play structure then slide down the slide 50 times :) We had more then our share of water and the kids were so tired. I don't remember the last time my daughter slept till 8:45 am! All in all a great successful weekend.

Tonight is the talent Show for the K-2 at Lauren's school she will be singing A few of my favorite things from the The Sound of Music. I am so nervous for her but she seems to be fine! I will certainly have pictures to post I would say video too but I have yet to figure out how to get my videos from the DVD disk to the computer in a format that I can post. If you have tips please let me know.
Here is the photo frame I made for my coworker for a fathers day present, the picture he was palnning to use was of the 2 othem at the Masters Golf Tournament last year hence the golf theme. What do you think???

Rosa (not her real name BTW) started this morning, it is 9:40 as I type and all seems to be well thus far, keep your fingers crossed for me :)

Hope you had a great weekend tell me all about it. Stay Cool!!!!

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