Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Hodge Podge

Is it me or are the weeks just flying by?? Ever since I started my blog I feel like time is whizzing by!!

Well, you have spoken all 5 of you! :) and the Friday Hodge Podge header winner was header #3 If you are not a fan of it you should have voted last week, I will however still take your feedback on what you like. Who knows I might just rotate the header to keep things interesting.
As some of you may have figured out I live near Washington DC, this week not only Washigton but the entire nation suffered a loss. Tim Russert of NBC and Meet the Press passed away last Friday. The tributes have been touching and have made me cry on more then one occasion. I am not one who likes to dig into politics and quiet frankly I sometimes feltl it is way over my head. That changed several years ago when I started watching and Tivoing Meet the Press. Tim had a way of boiling down the issues and hacking through the muckity muck. He was a real guy, one who loved where he came from and was all about telling you in a non pompus way. This man reached the pinicle yet had the same excitment day after day as though he had just reached the top. I have heard his son speak several times over the last few days and I must say that as a mom it makes my heart swell with pride and joy for Tim and his family. This young man has stepped up to be the rock , the communitcator, and healer all at once, no easy task for a 22 year old who has just lost his best friend and father. So to Tim.. you and Marueen did a great job rasing Luke, you should be so proud of the man he has become and if I could I would reach out and hug him for you and say atta boy! May you dance with the angels Tim; you will be missed.

Well we are on week 2 with “Rosa” and all seems to be going well, this was the first full week she had with both kids since Lauren was still in school last week. I have been amazed at what she has had the kids out doing, the library, the natural history museum, the park (daily), arts crafts, I could go on and on but you get the picture. The week was off to a rough start since the cousins left and Jackson seemed to think that he could get away with the same behavior his 2/12 cousin expressed. I had to do a bit of retraining so to speak, I think we are now on the right track. However it made me realize what different parenting styles there are out there. Now I am not saying my style is the best or the only way to do things, I just found it to be interesting how differently people approach parenting. I think until you are with another family for more then 24 you really don’t notice the difference that much at least I didn’t. Anyway we are back on track bedtimes are being enforced and back talking is no longer an option.

Work seems to be going at warp speed, I am wearing many hats and I am ok with that, though I would really like to be recognized and compensated as such. Things don’t look to be slowing down anytime soon which is how I like it. I hate to be bored, but I love to be a part of something new and exciting!

I haven’t commented on my weight loss recently mainly because the scale has not been moving and I have not been trying really hard to push through to the next level. However I am happy to report that I am 20lbs lighter and couldn’t be happier about it. I think the key for me has been running, I try to go for a run at least 3 times a week but sometimes it’s hard. I don’t do anything on the weekends because that time is devoted to my family. So if you have some tips on how to break out of an exercise rut let me know.

On the running topic I had to go see a podiatrist yesterday, honestly I wouldn’t have gone if this Dr. wasn’t my neighbor and friend. Seems that at the rips old age of nearly 36 I have arthritis in my big toe! How random is that? I swear getting old is not fun, anyway I have been having a lot of soreness late in the afternoon especially when I am wearing heels. Now I don’t wear 3 inches heels because I am a tall girl already at 5’9” that being said I have been told to cut out the heels all together (for awhile) because I have some issues with my big toe joint being jammed all the time which is causing my arthritis. So I was fixed up with a cortisone shot and sent on my way. My foot is sore as hell today but I was assured it would feel better in a couple of days, I hope so for my Doc friends sake because I would hate to have to make a house call to his house!

This weekend will hopefully be a lazy one, we only have plans to go to a birthday dinner Saturday night and that will be without the kids so essential a date night. I look forward to a lazy weekend with little to no Drama, seems as though it has been a while since I have had one of those.

Finally no one sent any questions last week for my Friday Hodge Podge post this week, so don’t have any fascinating tidbits of information about me for you. So send me a question, I swear I will answer even if it is embarrassing to me. Also if you have sent a question and I having answered it be sure to let me know by berating me with a comment!

Have a great weekend and let me know what you are up to!

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