Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Hodge Podge

My first Friday Hodge Podge was deleted when the power went out and I had not saved my document. So I will do my best to recreate.

Check out the different Hodge Podge headers I have created I am not sure which one to use moving forward so I will rely on you the readers to tell me what you like.

Thank goodness it is Friday, what a week we have had here. First we had Lauren’s talent show on Monday night where she sang her little heart out. If you haven’t seen it I think it is a must see. This child loves to perform!

Tuesday I went to get my hair colored, yes that is right what you see in pictures is not my natural hair color, it isn’t far off but I like the sun kissed look all year round so I opt for highlights to keep it the way I like it. My normal girl passed me off to some trainee for most of the process which fumed me. I spoke with the manager and she apologized saying that Laura should have asked me if it was Ok. I later found out as did the salon that she was double booking herself and having the trainee do the easier jobs but taking the pay for her. I am not sure if I am going back to her and if I do I will let her know I didn’t appreciate being passed on.

Wednesday and Thursday we had out former Au pair Abby with us, she is a love and is off to camp for the summer to be a camp counselor in upstate NY. I think she is going to have a blast and so are the girls she will be working with. Hopefully she will stop by again before she leaves in September.

Tonight my sister in law Alicia from Texas is coming with her 2 kids. The cousins don’t get to get together much so it will be nice to see them all play together. She is on the east coast for the next 2 ½ weeks. I don’t know how she does it because she will be in 3 different houses during that time. Me I would be stark raving mad after one week let alone 2 ½.

Life with Rosa seems to be going well, earlier this week Jackson asked me before he went to bed if Rosa was going to be there in the morning when he woke up, which tells me he has formed a bound.

Sunday is Father's day and we really don’t have a lot planned, Alicia will still be here so we may just go to the poll or have a small neighborhood get together. I bought Dan some cute PJ that say Daddio on them from the kids and they are making cards for him.

Now for your questions, which I must tell you I love so pleas please keep them coming even if your question is silly like what do I like on my hotdog or serious like my thoughts on the war or Election. Send them my way!!!

Elaine A. asked...
Here's a question - how did you meet your hubby?
I met dan in 1996, online in an AOL chat room! Yes it is true, before it was vogue or socially acceptable to meet people online I met my husband. After about 2 to 3 weeks of chatting I decided that I would meet Dan (he bugged me for like a week to meet) We met at a restaurant and bar where I knew the people working there so if by some chance Dan was a total nut job I could signal someone to save me. We met at about 7pmtaht night had dinner drinks and didn’t leave until 2am. There was instant chemistry between us and we have been together ever since.

Laski asked...
Awe . . . I missed asking a question!!! If you are still answering, here's mine . . . in the story of your life, who would play you and your family--WHY?

This was a tough one- I would have to say that Tea Leoni would play me Kiefer Sutherland would play Dan and my mom would be portrayed by Kathy Bates. As for my in laws I am not sure, plus I wouldn’t mention it here if by chance they read this I don’t want to offend anyone. But if you must know email me and I will tell you.

Now why these people well I have been told on many occasions that I look like Tea which I can handle :) Kiefer because he just seems to be Dan and Kathy Bates for my mom. Do you remember that movie Throw Mama from the Train with the nutty mother that is mine and not in a good way. So there you have it. If you don’t agree with my choices who do you think should play the parts???Also, what is the very best piece of advice you've received in regards to parenting and/or marriage?

Before I had my first child someone told me to remember that Dan and I were couple first before we were a family, and that our ability to be a couple is what created our family unit. So simply… take care of what got you there and the rest will fall into place. Which I think is huge how many couples do you know that get so consumed by kids work and stuff that they forget to take time for their relationship??? And then end up divorcing because of it. We do our best to put each other first so our kids see a healthy happy mom and Dad relationship.

OHmommy asked...
I know you have a Polish background, what is your strongest connection to your heritage?
I do have a polish background my mom is polish and my dad was Irish. I am ashamed to say that I do not have much in the way of a connection to my heritage. My mom was an only child and lost her mother at birth and her father died when she was 11 she was raised by her grandmother who came from Poland in 1910 and settled in America with her 9 other brother and sisters. Most of my moms side of the family was either very old or had past away when I was a child. The only real connection to my polish heritage would be through food. Growing up my mom would make Pierogi’s, Sausage with Sauerkraut, Placki kartoflane and Sernik. All of these being from her childhood with her polish grandmother. One day I hope to visit Poland so I can better understand my polish heritage for now, I associated with Oh Mommy for my polish fix : )

Well I think that about covers it for another week. Have a great weekend and I will talk with you on Monday!

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