Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Crazy 8's

I've been tagged by Kareer Woman:

Eight Things I Have a Passion for:

1) Making people laugh, not at first though, see it takes me a little bit to warm up to people or them to me. But once I know you watch out I will want to make you laugh.
2) Sports- I am not your typical chick, I love sports football is my love. There is something about Football! I love baseball to as well as some other sports, but give me a good football game any day.
3) Beach Vacations- to me there is nothing better then throwing bathing suit and some clothes in a bag and heading to the beach.
4) Friends & Family- I am a very loyal person, I don’t take friendships or relationships lightly.
5) Spa Days- to me there is nothing better then letting someone else tend to your needs and a escaping for a bit.
6) Music- I love all kinds, my ipod is quite the plethora of music.
7) Work- sounds silly I know. However you must understand that someone in my life once told me I would never make anything of myself and I strive to prove them wrong. I have achieved so much in my short career and while doing that I have found that I love what I do.
8) My kids!

Eight Things I Would Like to do Before I Die:
1) Water-ski- I have done it but I would like to stand up and do it the right way.
2) Take a month long cruise
3) Sing in a band
4) Develop a scholarship for a young person to go to college who might otherwise never be able to.
5) Own a new Mercedes convertible.
6) Speak another language.
7) See my grandkids grow up.
8) See as many foreign countries that I can.

Eight Things I Say a Lot:
1) Really??
2) umm OK
3) Sweet
4) Get outta here
5) I love you
6) Later tater
7) Bye (think southern drawl)
8) No Way

Eight Books I Have Read Recently:
1) The Glass Castle
2) The Secret
3) Water for Elephants
4) The Kite Runner
5) Martha Stewart's Home keeping Handbook Ok I haven’t read it but I have reference it a lot!!!
6) From the Heart
7) Nineteen minutes
8) Eat Pray Love ----Loved this Book!!!!!

Eight Movies I Have Seen Eight Times:
1) Pretty Woman
2) Dirty Dancing
3) Finding Nemo
4) Top Gun
5) Fried Green Tomatoes
6) The Truman show
7) Sound of music
8) Titanic

Eight People I have to Invite to Do This Meme:
1) Elaine
2) Jocasta
3) Kristi
4) Courtney
5) Kirsten
6) Leah
7) Wendi
8) Stephanie

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