Monday, June 2, 2008

Over freaking whelmed!!!!!

Ok I will admit it I am overwhelmed!!! For those of you that know me well I am sure you are in shock that those words would cross my lips, since I "seem" to always be able to get everything done no matter what. Let me explain: This weekend I was in NJ for a family function (Dan's Family) so Friday night was shot because I was running around trying to get things done at the house, then the neighbors invited us up for a drink it was 11pm before I got to bed so no blog reading for me. We were up and on the road by 8am to be in NJ in time for a 1pm shower, again no blog reading for me. I brought my laptop with me in the hopes of catching up on my blog reading Saturday night in the hotel no Internet connection hence no blog reading. We drive home yesterday and I race around to get ready for the week, you know grocery shopping, laundry, homework the normal stuff. By 9pm I am exhausted and ready for bed. You know the phrase to use here .... no blog reading for me! So it was 5am this morning, I have a ritual in the morning I wake up at 5 throw on my workout clothes go down to the office check the headlines, email and google reader then head down to the gym for my workout. This morning I almost had a heart attack and not because of the workout. I check my google reader and there were 278 new posts to read!!!!! I just don't know that I will be able to get to all of them. But for those of you know that know me I never back down from a challenge, so I will try my best to read them all but I am afraid that I may not be able to. I thought the blogsphere was quieter on the weekends??? What happened this weekend did Brittany have another parenting mishap? Was Paris sent back to Jail for being annoying?? What happened that there were so many freaking people posting!!!! :)

Ok now that I have that out of my system, the weekend was good but not really relaxing. The shower was nice and it was nice to see family however I must say that the bride-to-be did not impress me with her social ways. She arrived late, left early, and really only spoke to those she knew even though we were all there for her. This is the wedding that is Black Tie notice I didn't say black tie "optional" so there is a certain upper crustiness to this whole affair and I fully expected to see a polished, poised young lady at this shower. Unfortunately I felt she was more the spoiled brat going through the motions because she had to. Not my ideal way to spend 4 hours and $120 in gas to get there. I would post pictures but I didn't take any, I just wasn't that into it.

However it was great to see other family members and for the kids to see their grandparents, you can never have to many of those types of visits.

So I guess I need to get back to my blog reading! BTW thanks for the good questions from Friday's post keep 'em coming I love them and I will respond to each one!

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