Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday Hodge Podge

Hodge Podge Friday is a bit late today…. I had a meeting at my Downtown office this morning followed by an industry exam for some professional credentials I am trying to obtain. So before I knew it the day got away from me.

Thank you for all the support concerning my Thursday post, the friend I was speaking of has been progressively becoming more negative and I luckily don’t see her all that often; we talk because our husbands are good friends. My husband was shocked at her demeanor as well. Again thanks for the love and support!

So the hubby has been out of town most of this week for business and the kids have been relatively good, actually Lauren has been great Jackson well he puts me through my paces.

My mother came over on Wednesday to see me and the kids, in previous posts I have talked about the lack of help my mom provides even though she is right down the street and how she is really missing out on being a grandma. Well in true Gran form she came over with gifts then became a bit irritated when the kids would not go to bed or stay in bed, her comment as she was leaving maybe I shouldn’t come over at night since it seems to be such a circus. Well I guess she will never come over because it is always a circus!!!!

Dan and I will be attending that swanky black tie only wedding that I have blogged about; you know the wedding for that ungrateful bride from the bridal shower!!!! Since Dan is on the west coast so he is flying tonight to meet me in NJ in the morning. We have our old sitter coming to stay with the kids this weekend, so it will be nice to have Dan all to myself even if we have to go to some stuffy wedding.

Finally I received great news this afternoon, my daughter was accepted into the Spanish Immersion program. Meaning she will go through 1st through 6th grade learning Spanish. She will be a fluent speaker! Her school day will be half Spanish and half English. I believe that math, science and health will be in Spanish and the rest of the subjects in English. The stats on this program are great and I am so very happy that she has been accepted. Also her brother will be automatically accepted, as they like to keep families together.

I will have many stories and pictures from this weekend I am sure. Hope everyone has a great weekend and I will see you Monday!

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