Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ten on Tuesday

10 Ways the World Has Changed Since You've Been in School

1) I am living on my own, in my own house with a family to support, no more curfews and sneaking in. Yes even in college I had to sneak in; my mom was a stickler for the rules and swore by the not under my roof rule.

2) No one uses and encyclopedia anymore, instead we google, wiki, or ask.com what we need to know.

3) We have a far more volatile world that we live in, regardless if it is suburban America or the streets of Kabul the world as I knew it nearly 20 years ago does not exist.

4) Kids are getting smarter earlier, or I am getting dumber as I age. I swear my Kindergartner is learning about things I learned in 3rd grade when she gets to 5th grade I am going to be screwed because mommy will not be able to help with the homework anymore.

5) I can order just about anything I want with a few keystrokes and a couple clicks of the mouse, no more trolling all over creation to find the perfect gift now I simply sit in my office with coffee in hand and click away.

6) COFFEE who in the world would believe that we would pay nearly $5 for a cup of coffee nearly everyday?

7)Travel is not a fun task any longer (my opinion) we no longer can greet those that we love at the gate of their arriving plane instead we are forced to circle the airport like a vulture or worse yet sit in the cell phone waiting area.

8) In order to get a degree you no longer really need to sit in a class for hours on end, you can now sit in front of a computer and without experiences frat parties and dorm life you too can have a degree.

9) Food, I love to eat but even I who loves to eat have noticed that the portions severed in restaurants are HUGE! That said I don't remember seeing so many over weight people in my life.

10) I have people calling me mame on a regular basis and it makes me feel old!!!

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