Thursday, June 12, 2008

A vistor from a far away land....

Last night we had a visitor. As I have blogged about we had an au pair, three actually. Our very first au pair from New Zealand is in the states for the summer and came by to see us and the kids last night. The kids were so excited to see her that at 10pm (2 hours past bedtime) they were still playing. We had a lovely dinner and met her boyfriend who seems to be a nice fellow.

I was amazed at how comfortable it was not only for her but for us as well. It was as though she had never left. She has an amazing bond with the kids and I think they think of her as a big sister, it just warmed my hear to see them all together again. My guess is she will be in our lives forever.

She and her boyfriend will stop over again tonight before heading off to visit others friends in the area, hopefully she and a buddy of hers will come stay with us for a about a week at the end of the summer before she goes back.

Here are some pictures of Abby, the kids and us and one of just the grown ups.

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