Thursday, June 19, 2008

Blog Awards x2

Two, yes I said TWO bloggy awards were bestowed on me in one day!!! I about fell over in my office chair when I read the blogs where my awards were given. Which would not have been good because my early morning blogging at work would have been exposed if I were passed out on the floor with blogs up on my screen when the paramedics came to get me!!!!

So here they are

Wendy @ The Adventures of Mom Lady Gave me this Groovy award !

And Stephanie (love her name!!!) @ A little bit of Sugar and a whole lotta of spice hooked a girl up with this lovely award.
This award comes with rules so I need to think a bit about who to pass this along to, I always feel bad because I feel like I am hurting someone’s feelings if I don’t pick them.

So I will be back soon with awards.

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