Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We are all a little stressed

Tomorrow the hubs is having sinus surgery all will be fine I have no doubt but there is a definite fear in the air of our house tonight. Dan went to bed at 7:30 it is 9:30 now and he is still sleeping and I am sure he will till morning. This is not normal for Dan as he is the night owl and I am the early to bed one off our family, yet here I sit a good 20 minutes past my bedtime.

So how do I combat my stress about tomorrow? I clean... yes clean. I went into our master closet and focused on my side and ended up straighting the entire top shelf on one side and we have a walk in closet! 2 trash bags of goodwill clothes later here I am reading blogs and typing my own. Gee no pent up stress here in this house!!

Surgery is at 12:30 and should be over by 2pm I will be sure to post an update till then I guess I have a lot more cleaning to do.

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