Monday, August 11, 2008

Am I Raising a Target-a-holic?

Steph is away for the week and has asked me Elaine from The Miss Elaine-ous Life to step in for the day !!!

I am pretty sure that most of us “mommy bloggers” take a liking to Target (a.k.a Tar-jay, Tar-zhay, etc.). Perhaps it’s because whenever anyone in our facet of blogging mentions giving away a gift card from there I tend to picture an episode of Oprah’s favorite things where everyone in the audience is screaming and crying (from joy of course). And due to the amount of comments on any post I’ve seen in which free money to the bull’s eye is up for grabs, I just assume we all likey. I have to admit my heart starts to palpitate a little faster whenever I come across such a generous giveaway. At the beginning of the year I was lucky enough to win such a giveaway and be the recipient of a decent denomination of free cash to my favorite store and you would’ve thought that Miss Winfrey herself had shown up at my door I was so excited. Just proves it doesn’t take much…
Of course free money or not, I am a frequent customer and my four-year old seems to be following suit on his preference for the place. Whenever we go there he wants to head straight for the toys, of course and he also likes to check out the food section (yes, this IS definitely my kid) and the dollar spot. I’m afraid that’s my fault . I super puffy heart love the dollar spot. And of course who doesn’t need more junk in their lives, right? (oh me, I SO don’t but it doesn’t matter…) Before I even really get into the store my cart is already full of “to do” notepads, ice trays shaped like shamrocks and cheap water color paints. Because who doesn’t like a cool drink with frozen shamrocks in March while writing their to-do list and watching their child paint, right? Certainly nobody I know…
But back to the four-year old. Yeah he likes the store but he also LOVES the catalogs we get in the mail. At the beginning of summer they sent one out with all the summer-ish toys and he practically slept with the dang thing and at this point it’s a little tattered. He pointed out 5 or 10 things he wanted in there and continued to do so over and over for about two weeks. Well, guess what came in the mail the other day? The back to school goodies catalog from Tar-jay. And guess who has already found his most favoritist things in there and wants to constantly call my attention to them? Yep, you’re right.
So since I know you are so interested let me just go ahead and share with you too the items that his little heart desires. And if you have your Back to School catalog handy, please feel free to follow along. On pg 9 he would like the kid’s meal that has mac n’ cheese, even though he’s not really a fan. Next, on pg 19 he wants the recorder at the top left. He doesn’t even know what a recorder is, but it’s mostly green (favorite color) so he’s in for that too. Oh and I almost forgot, he would like the play kitchen on pg 16 because he wants a kitchen really bad. And he doesn’t really care what color it is (pink is JUUUST fine). See we’re not into gender roles around here. Really were not. He would also like the entire bedroom set-up on page 20 even though he has a perfectly fine room already. And if you would be so kind as to flip to page 30, he wants the polka dotted tea set that you see there. Because my boy, quite a fan of the tea (not). Lastly, he’s in for all of page 34 because he loves ANY.THING. Thomas and the Geoair plane thing is just a bonus.
If you do not already have your fall catalog I am sorry for my rant but feel free to return to this post for future reference once you’ve received it. And be sure to pocket the $5 coupon on the back for a $50 purchase or more (not hard for us to do) as I did. So, no, I am not giving away free moolah to Tar-jay, but they are ! : ) And don’t worry, I won’t go there about how elated I was to see that coupon. Thank me later.

So, here’s your Tip of the Day: Make sure to hide said catalog from your kids when it comes in the mail. That’s what I plan to do from now on…

Thanks to Steph for letting me “take the reins” at her place for a day – what an honor! I love reading her blog and keeping up with her life. You can usually find me at The Miss Elaine-ous Life on the daily.

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