Friday, August 15, 2008

Is it weird if it's normal?

Me again!

I have a tear-off calendar that gives helpful tips, or quotes, or little messages to ponder, etc each day. Recently, one of the pages had this quote on it: “Serve the dinner backward, do anything-but for goodness sake, do something weird.” ~Elsa Maxwell~

My VERY FIRST THOUGHT was of how we do Family Fun Night every Friday. FFN consists of the kids picking out a movie, bringing their little chairs up to the coffee table in the family room, and then we sit down as a family and eat our dinner in front of the movie. Generally, we will do popsicles, or popcorn, or something treat-like after the main meal. To us, this is part of our normal routine, but for other families, this would be something different, something odd, maybe even something…WEIRD??? I know, I know, eating in front of the TV, and letting little kids watch TV are on the list of the worst things we can supposedly do, but I honestly believe it’s bonded our family together. As a family, we look forward to the tradition of FFN, and it opens discussions of what movie to choose, and why, and opens discussions during and after the movie of what happened and what choices were good/bad (choices in character’s behaviors, or use of words, or their physical actions), etc. When the meal and treats have been consumed, we snuggle up together enjoy each other’s company for the rest of the movie. And even though we do it every single Friday, it’s still “weird” and not part of the NORMAL routine of the rest of the week. What do you guys do to change things up a bit around your own homes? It doesn’t necessarily have to be about a mealtime, but that’s just where my mind went upon reading that quote! I’d love to hear what other families do that might be a bit “weird”!!

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