Wednesday, August 20, 2008

File this under downright creepy!

Ok I read a lot of news on the Internet, it is how I konw what is going on in the world, who has time to comb through the paper everyday? Not Me! Every now and then I come across stories that I just can't be live and this morning was one of those times.

Check out this link: Corpse Kept Upright for 3-Day Wake

When I saw this title I thought surely you must be joking! Who in their right mind would have a corpse kept upright for a 3 day wake in their home? I remember a long time ago my mom telling me stories of having her dad laid out in the family house for his wake in 1954 and that freaked me out, but it was understandable because that is what they did in those days but this was down right creepy, go check out the link and the picture!

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