Thursday, August 14, 2008

Rebel without a cause

I want to start off with a quick thanks to Steph for being trusting enough to allow me (Leah from Laughing Leah Loves Lilies) to guest blog for her while she’s away. Hopefully I don’t scare off all her loyal viewers, and with any luck, maybe I’ll gain a few loyal viewers of my own in the process!

Now on with the show…

Was there anything from your childhood that you just couldn’t stand, and you swore when you were an adult and could make your own decisions, you’d do that particular thing VERY differently? Or was there something you did around your friends you wouldn’t have done at home? When I was a kid, we weren’t allowed to use words such as butt, fart, or pee. It was bottom, stinker, and potty. When I was REALLY little, it wasn’t a big deal, but when I got into elementary school, it became a bit of an embarrassment, and then it became a battle between remembering to use bottom, stinker, and potty at home, while using butt, fart, and pee at school around my friends. I swore when I grew up, my kids weren’t going to have to use bottom, stinker, and potty. WELL, GUESS WHAT? The first time my then two-year-old daughter said the word “butt”, I cringed, because apparently it was burned into my brain that little kids shouldn’t say those words and it sounded awful to my ears. So now “bottom”, “toot”, and “potty” are all used at our house, with an occasional slip up of “fart” and “pee” from my six-year-old, who has attended one year of elementary school…LOL

I also recently got an email from my Auntie, who was remembering from her childhood how much she hated to have to remake her bed with clean sheets. I have to include a portion of the email as she typed it, because it cracked me up: “I slept in, so got up around 9:30...Felt good, and the sheets were clean and there is nothing more glorious than clean sheets. I have been a rebel against them since childhood as Mother made us change them every Saturday. I used to scream and kick and throw myself on to my bare mattress (after she'd tear the sheets off on Sat AM while I was trying to watch cartoons) and cry, and SWEAR, if I ever grew up I'd never change my bed. SO, I grew up, and said NOT! She also made me vacuum under my bed every Sat. AM. To THIS DAY, I refuse to vacuum under my bed. There is a giant spider (I AM SURE) under there scoffing at me every Saturday morning...BUT. I. DON'T. CARE.”

(don’t worry, she really does clean her sheets, and I’m totally with her about vacuuming under the bed!)

I’d love to hear what you swore you’d do differently as an adult, and whether or not you stuck with your plan!!

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