Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mom always said I was special

For most of the summer I have had bees, huge bees lurking on my back deck. I saw a few trying to burrow their way into the wood of my kids play set, but we stopped them before they got to far into their nest making. Yet, still I had bees. Big Bees, Killer Bees, look!
These suckers were big!!! They didn't bother anyone so I let them be, no need in upsetting the circle of life right??? Until I stepped on one of those suckers and he stung me. I guess I would sting someone too, if I were stepped on. It hurt like no other bee sting I have ever had, that was it, the bees needed to go. Ecosystem or no ecosystem.

I told the hubby to get on it even if it meant calling in the pros, which I knew is what would happen because he is not Mr. Fixit. He did however identify the area the were coming from. Seems they had found a cozy place under my sons bedroom window. They were taking off and landing as if on an aircraft carrier. I stood in my sons room and put my ear close to the wall where they were on hte outside and you could hear the buzz of all those little critters, how did I miss this????

The pest guy came that day, looked up and asked if we had any dead ones around. Sure guy I keep them on ice for my kids upcoming science fair projects! No, I don't have any dead ones! However the bee gods must have been with me because we did eventually find a dead one in the corner of the deck. Pest guy pokes at it and proclaims you have European Hornets. Excuse me? Yes, European hornets, they should have stayed in Europe he says to me.

Great, I have special insects, international insects, lucky me. Mom always said I was special. How much to get rid of them I ask? $195. Great! Get to it I say. As I take out the check book and feel that same stinging sensation all over again.

This is what the nest looks like, getting rid of that was worth. every penny of the $195

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