Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It was bound to happen....

Monday afternoon I get a call from my husband "I am having a really bad day" he says no hello, hi hows your day, just those 7 words. When I asked what was wrong he said he had just had a car accident. He quickly said I am fine I think because he heard my gasp. He went on to explain the damage and told me it happened because he had been cut off. Shit happens right? I was just happy he was ok.

Fast forward to dinner, we are all at the table, and Dan is not saying much I can tell he is still steaming, at this point I know better to ask about the accident. After about 10 minutes of what did you do today talk he starts to talk about the accident and says that he was in a rush and didn't know where he was going because he GPS crapped out then this lady cut in front of him. Ah ha I think there is the real story is the GPS, I am always on him when we are in the car together about messing with the GPS. I sat there quietly biting my tongue. Then he says the GPA didn't have any juice because you (me) took the wrong cord out of the car for the portable DVD. What! I am thinking to myself, somehow this is going to be my fault? I again sat holding my tongue no reason to add fuel to an already huge fire. Then I hear and "I didn't get a police report" I swear to you I was ready to hit the ceiling. This from the man who gave me hell 8 years ago for not getting a police report when I was hit from behind?????

I've said nothing, I am venting here. He is safe which is really all that matters, the car and be fixed and even if it couldn't it is just an object. But you better believe I am sitting on this one and it may be pulled out of my arsenal when he decides to get on my case about some stupid mistake! :)

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