Friday, August 8, 2008

10 Questions with Sarah Fisher

IndyCar Garage was fortunate enough to get a Q&A with Driver/Owner Sarah Fisher before this weekend's return to the track at Kentucky!

Tell us about yourself, what do you enjoy outside of racing?

“Racing has been my life ever since I was five. When I’m not racing in the IndyCar Series, I’m out with my brother-in-law helping him with go-karts. He is 12 and is moving up the ranks so my husband and I are at the track quite a bit with him. When we aren’t racing Kyle, we can be found out at the lake or working on our house.”

You hold the record for being the fastest qualifier ever at Kentucky Speedway. You've again shown great speed leading up to this weekend at Kentucky - what makes Kentucky Speedway a place that you enjoy racing and run so well?

Racing at KY Speedway is a lot of fun for a driver. The sweeping corners and getting on the right line entering the corners is like a rollercoaster because the corners are all different. KY Speedway has always been good to me and I call it my home track.”

Your drive to start your own race team has really allowed fans to relate to you. How did you make the decision to send pieces of your wrecked car to donors after the unfortunate exit at Indy?

We received so much fan support that we had to do something to give back to the fans. We treated it like a wedding, when you receive a gift from someone you sent them a thank-you card and we just happen to have a little extra to send along with it.”

Where do you see Sarah Fisher Racing next year? Does the support from sponsors like Dollar General and dedicated IndyCar fans give you the feeling you will be running more races next season?

The goal for the 2008 season was to run three races and the goal for 2009 is to run all the ovals. If we were able to secure enough sponsorship to run the entire season, that would be icing on the cake.”

What is the biggest challenge being an owner/driver? Which do you have more fun doing?

The biggest challenge is time management. I have to keep myself very organized to make sure we have all of our ducks in a row. I’d be lying to say I didn’t enjoy the racecar driving the most. I’ve always enjoyed a challenge and being an entrepreneur has brought its fair share of challenges.”

Because you’re running a shortened schedule, how does your race strategy change from a driver/team who is racing for points standings?

Well, we really have to bank on my experience at Indy, Kentucky and Chicago because we aren’t running week in and week out. Just because we aren’t racing for the points championship doesn’t mean we aren’t going to be aggressive and give it our all. We are racing for the win just as much as much as the next person and we will do what it takes to achieve that.”

The IndyCar Series just released their 2009 schedule - was there a track that you would've liked to have been included in the list?

I’d like for Las Vegas to be on the schedule which is where I took my rookie test. I’d like to see how much it’s changed. It’s a great place for a vacation and to see a race.”

Many athletes talk about getting into a groove or being able to zone the crowd out and control the adrenaline once "something" happens after the start of the contest. In racing, for you, what is this something?

When I put that driver suit on I zone everything out except driving. I’m very focused. I leave the owner and other duties on the other side of the pit wall.”

If you could spend a day at any track with any driver (past or present), what track and what driver would you choose?

I’d have to say Janet Guthrie at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. She’s an idol of mine.”

Any comments for the dedicated IndyCar fans of IndyCar Garage?

Thanks for all the support. Everyone has been great to our team and it hasn’t gone unnoticed.”

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