Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What's in your purse?

I read about this meme on OhMommy’s blog and thought it would be fun to participate, and then April tagged me to do it! So here goes, I have a large purse and I get some grief for it from some of my friends but it allows me to stuff just about anything in it; since my diaper bag carrying days seem to be behind me.

I am a bit of a coach whore and I will admit it, ever since my first bag 15 years ago I have not gone back, so when Princess Lauren asks for hers which I know will happen way before it should I will have a plethora of bags for her to choose from albeit used Coach but Coach nonetheless.

Tada!!!! My Purse!!

And now the inside of my purse along with the entire contents dumped.

Now for the individual stuff, below you see my loose change, beauty supplies, molah or lack there of, my glasses or eyes as my youngest says then then the work related stuff which by the way while doing this I realized my Crackberry blackberry was missing.

So really a relativly borning purse I think, but let me know what you think and instead of selecting only a few to be tagged I tag anyone who reads this and I can see who you are!!!!! I have my ways!!!! So leave a post and let me know when you post your purse!

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