Friday, April 4, 2008

Friday Hodge Podge

This week as flow by, Today is the last day to enter the Pasta Pot Drawing I can't wait to see who wins it! I love giving away stuff. Check back Monday for the winner.

I continue to add blogs to my google reader, I am having a lot of fun stumbling across blogs, if you have some blogs that you think I must check out please let me know.

A few weeks ago I posted about going shoe shopping, believe it or not I have not worn either pair of shoes until today. See I have a huge, meeting with the CEO of our company today. I have not bloged about it because I am really nervous and all of you are so supportive an I knew would leave kind comments, but seeing it all week would have made me more stressed then I already was/am. If this meeting goes well and we decide to launch this new division I may very well stand a chance to make VP! HUGE I tell you!!!!

Anyway back to the shoes. So I am dressed in my business suit and I realize that those cute brown shoes would go perfectly with my outfit. First here is a shot of the shoes on my feet, my husband thought I was crazy for taking a picture of my feet and here is the entire outfit, unfortunately my husband caught me looking quite fat in the face, not to mention the glasses but I didn't have time to have him retake it because I needed to get going. So what do you think are the shoes cute or what!!!!

Well Sunday is race day and I am actually excited, for the first time ever I will actually feel ready to race and hopefully won't be hurting like I was the last time.
Have a great weekend!

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