Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ten on Tuesdays

10 Superstitions, Traditions, and/or Personality Quirks
Note these are in no particular order :)

1) I cannot walk away from my kitchen unless it is completely cleaned.

2) I layout my clothes for the week on Sunday night (I also do this for the kids too)

3) I always make homemade Pumpkin pie and Apple Pie for Thanksgiving.

4) Christmas stockings in our family are as big as the presents, sometimes I think we look forward to them more then the presents.

5) I always say I love you and mean it when I leave the kids or my husband for the day.

6) I snuggle with my son in his bed for a couple of minutes after I read his book every night, some of the best conversations have been had during snuggle time

7) I am 35 and my mom still give me a Christmas PJ box and an Easter basket and I would be upset if she didn't.

8) I am a clean neat freak, borderline OCD I think. Some say they don't' understand how with 2 children my house is so clean.

9) I make my coffee the night before and set it up on a timer so I have fresh hot coffee waiting for me, it is best for all who come in contact with me in the morning and there is nothing like the smell of fresh coffee to wake up to

10) And yes I believe that breaking a mirror will give me bad luck!

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