Friday, April 18, 2008

Hodge Podge Friday

It's another edition of Friday Hodge Podge brought to you by The Daily Grind….. sorry I felt the need today to be announcer like.

So this week has been a short week for me because I didn't work on Monday, what did I do you may ask??? Well I pampered myself with a pedi and a mani, oh and lets not forget the waxing. I love me a good pampering day!!! I wish I could be a Hollywood type if only to be able to get pampered on a regular basis!

Thanks to all of you for your kudos on my accomplishments regarding my spring cleaning it really felt good to get all of that done and even better to hear such great praise for it! I don't have nearly the tasks set up for this weekend. Hopefully I can try to relax a bit! (yeah right)

So as part of my spring cleaning accomplishments I made a baby gift for Lilah go check out her blog it is awesome! I also made door prizes for the teacher appreciation lunch we host at school for all the teachers. Here are my creations. I thought they were kind of cool and perfect for door prizes. The coordinator of the event stopped by my house last night to pick them up and she seemed to be pleased as well.
So early this week I had a Wordless Wednesday post and it was of my daughter’s feet. I feel the need to explain. While Dan was out of town I was looking for fun things to do with the kids and one of the things they love to do is hang out with the kids next door that are close to their age. We live in a relatively tight knit neighborhood so it is not uncommon when you see a neighbor outside that you go out and join them. Well Saturday afternoon was no different. We all congregated on the pipe stem and us ladies watched the men work :) evil I know but someone has to watch the children. My one neighbor was trying to drain a puddle that had formed as a result of a poor paving job earlier that week. He was having great success, and then my kids came along. My son is all boy, loves to get dirty and I for one let him on occasion but I was shocked when his sister wanted to join in on the mud play. So there they were like 2 pigs in slop having a blast. Don't believe me check out the picture I don't think it lies!
So yes I am the horrible mother that let her kids get muddy from head to toe then hosed them off before entering the house. However I am totally cool in their eyes at least for this week.

So as some of you may have figured out I live in the DC area and as the world knows the Pope came to town. I am a catholic, I went to catholic school for 9 years. I grew up with Pope John Paul II really he was the only Pope I ever knew and didn't feel I could relate to anyone else. Yet in the past several years the church in total has seemed foreign to me. I have total disgust over the actions of Priest pedophiles and I feel it has tarnished the church in an almost unrecoverable way. When Pope John Paul died I was deeply sadden yet I felt that this might mark a change for the church a chance to look forward and not rest on tradition and believes of the past. It was my hope the incoming Pope would make some much needed changes to allow the church to continue to evolve and hopefully bring back some dignity. I won't get into what I would like those changes to be...... I don't want to lose the few readers I have. I am happy that the Pope is here and I applaud him for address the scandalous issues of the past, but I have yet to see what is being done to ensure those issues do not reoccur or any changes for the church to evolve in the future.

I have another follow up meeting with the CEO and Sr. VP's to discuss our new division’s market strategy, I should really be focusing on that instead of writing this but I need a break form all that number crunching. Things on the work front continue to be good and at times downright wonderful. While I was home last week my boss called me to inform me that I received a bonus... a very very generous bonus I might add, and hopefully that is sign of what it to come.

Finally, a huge ((((HUG))) to all of you who left me your heartfelt comments on yesterday's post. I struggled with posting that but I must say I am glad I did. I know I will never change my mom yet posting yesterday made me feel like I was not some sort of freak and that there are other families out there with some of the same issues.... so thanks again for making a girl feel normal and not to blame.

Have a great weekend and I hope the weather where you are is spring like so you can get outside!

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